TiTAN-I development board is based on MSP430 family MCU with the integrated Sub-1GHz transceiver with real-time clock (CC430F5137). The output high-frequency channel is available for four frequency ranges: 315, 433, 868 and 915 MHz.
The difference from TiTAN is the absence of a debugger and the presence of all existing input / output ports on the board’s contacts.
Free Code Composer Studio software with a set of examples and basic libraries allows to master the target MCU quickly.
The data transfer format is Proprietary (end user’s own protocol). The MCU contains 32KB Flash and 4KB RAM.
Main technical specifications
MCU: CC430F5137 (SoC MSP430 core & RF core CC1101) GPIO: 24
Max core frequency: 20 MHz
RF core crystal: 26 MHz
Flash: 32 KB
ADC12: 6 ext, 4 int channels
Debugger: External (ezFET-LITE (TiTAN), MSP-FET, MSP-FET430UIF, etc) RF optional: 315/433/868/915 MHz
External power: +3.3V (!)
Form factor: Small board 35 x 21 mm
IDE: Texas Instruments Code Composer Studio IDE IAR Embedded Workbench
Keil MDK
Arduino IDE
Board pinout
Product kit
– TiTAN-I development board— 1 pcs;
– Antenna cable — 1 pcs.
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