Titan Development Board MSP430
The truth in core

MSP430 TITAN Development Board

Ultra Low Power
Affordable price
for Development board


16-bit microcontrollers – the optimal solution for portable low-power devices and appliances, minimizing their cost…

Development Board

TiTAN is a development board  contains 16-bit microcontrollers and 32-bit microcontrollers…

TiTAN Mission

Later the family of TiTAN development boards will be divided into four main groups…

Where and how to buy?

You can buy TiTAN Development board on our website or on sites of our partners…

что такое msp430

What is TiTAN?

Плата разработчика TiTAN

The TiTAN Development Board is an Arduino-compatible hardware platform and contains the MSP430 family microcontroller with integrated Sub-1 GHz transceiver with real-time clock (CC430F5137)…

Technologies of tomorrow

  • Boards with 16-bit microcontrollers and the MSP430 core
  • Boards with 32-bit microcontrollers and Cortex-M3 core
  • Boards with 32-bit DSP microcontrollers.
  • Miniature Embedded Boards

Technologies of



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